What Does Doomsday Say About Religious Zealots And Other Religions?

jesus moon.jpgCountdown to death.  Soon the end will be upon us.

“Immediately after the distress of those days “‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.” – Matthew 24:29

Today, September the 30th, a rare Black Moon* will be in full majesty in our skies (unless you live in New Jersey, where all you will see is clouds) but this comes after another celestial phenomenon*.

On the first of September a rare solar eclipse dubbed the “ring of fire”, an eclipse that occurs above Africa which leaves only the thick edge of the sun exposed, occurred as depicted below.


This double phenomenon has significant implication to religious zealots and run of the mill nutbags.  These are the celestial observances that the aforementioned scripture depicts.  More about this in my upcoming book.  This shows that all religions, at least monotheistic ones, look forward to the end of the world.  They want the apocalypse to come and the wanton destruction that it implies.


Getty Images

Just further validation that religion needs to be abolished.  We need to emancipate these wicked ideas from the global populace in order to ensure the safety of humanity.  This false prediction will not cause harm to our world, but the underpinning of reason within religious texts will.





One thought on “What Does Doomsday Say About Religious Zealots And Other Religions?

  1. As an antitheist I am right with you. This paradise/death cult is fuelling things like ISIS, creating indoctrination programmes, destroying the planet and preventing billions of people from enjoying the awe and wonder of their own lives. Religion is the worst idea humans ever came up with.


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